Individual Psychotherapy
Sometimes life is just about showing up and trying, often times in the very places where we struggle the most. I know that in those places of struggle, it can be difficult to feel or hope that anything will ever be different. That is okay. I believe that through time, some good effort and the development of our relationship, we will find what it is that you are looking for.
Some of our work may be about your current life and the various problems and stressors that are troubling you. We will work together to explore why these troubles have presented themselves and find a way through them. Some of our work may also be about your primary and formative years of childhood; love and how you have or have not been loved by the most influential people in your life (including yourself); how various thoughts/behaviors may be benefiting or hindering your present life or finding your voice and having the ability to use it kindly, lovingly and well for yourself and your most important relationships. My work is to offer you a safe place to speak. Our work together will greatly be enhanced the more that you can bring yourself fully and honestly to me. If you are worrying about something, then lets talk about it so you don’t have to worry anymore. |
“Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come.” - Anne Lamont |
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